Your people are not ok.
Your people are not ok. They are stuck in stress, stuck in isolation, stuck in loneliness, stuck in worry and they are not talking about it to you.
Only 49% of employees feel comfortable talking about mental health to their line managers. And the average cost of this per employee is £3,300 in the private sector and even higher in the public sector. *

Do you need a magic wand?
Never underestimate the power of magic. Just this week a coachee asked me if I had my magic wand to hand. As a coach, it is not uncommon to be asked this question, especially when a coachee is beginning to experience the perceived magic of coaching. I do not have a magic wand but if this is what I get asked many times, and if this is what coachees feedback, what exactly is happening in a coaching session?

My Social Dilemma
Two things collided for me recently that has left me with a dilemma. ⠀
I am committing more time to my social networking accounts and participated in a challenge over on another social media account to increase engagement. ⠀
Yes I am online more, posting more, using stories and getting more interaction BUT my time on social has skyrocketed and then I watched The Social Dilemma (Netflix 2020).⠀

Wellbeing - Why Coaching?
Covid-19 has brought us what is likely to be the most disruptive period in our lifetime. The impact on our wellbeing is huge and just being positive is not enough for any of us right now.
A friend shared this meme with me because they see me as the ‘positive one’ because I am often talking about the positive impact of coaching, but coaching is so much more than positivity.